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Portsdown view

Since moving to the hills just above Portsmouth, driving along Portsdown Hill, the views have been breathtaking and inspiring.

And whatever the season, I have taken numerous photos, in the hope that one day, I might just feel motivated (and confident) enough to try and paint the view.

Having primed the canvas, the first background colour goes on and I masked the bottom section off.
The clouds were really tricky and I nearly gave up at this stage.
Isle of Wight starting to appear.
Basic shapes in place, next job is to work on the reflections of the clouds and add some depth.

Finally after many weeks, I am getting there. The magic is knowing exactly when to stop tinkering.

It takes a lot of pondering time but with a huge sigh of relief, it will be ready for the Portsmouth and Hampshire Art Society, Summer exhibition.

Entry to the exhibition is free, which runs from the 16th – 26th August 2024, at Portsmouth Cathedral, Old Portsmouth.

For more details about the event visit:


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